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Internet Access in Mansion


Ok, so the SMCDC has this lovely site which highlights Mansion’s historic markers, beautiful housing stock, commercial and residential developments and resourceful community center, SMNAC, and guess what; a large number of Mansion residents will have an issue viewing it because of a lack of internet access. Well for those of us who do have internet access, I need your help informing our Mansion residents who are challenged with internet access about computer centers in the neighborhood. Let’s start the list with these three:

The Strawberry Mansion Neighborhood Action Center, Lenora Jackson-Evans, Executive Director, located at 2829 W. Diamond Street. The SMNAC is a Philadelphia Key Spot ( Free internet access daily and computer instruction on site. Contact the SMNAC for instructor’s schedule at 215.235.7505.

The Strawberry Mansion Learning Center Kevin Upshar, Chairman (, located at 2946 Dauphin Street. Services include internet access and computer classes for youth and seniors and much more. Contact the center for programs and hours at 267.639.4613.

Free Library Widener Branch located at 2808 W. Lehigh Ave. Contact the library for hours and programs at 215.686.5322.

Inform them they can use these technology resources to sign up for a free email account, do a job search, write a resume, post a comment on our website, etc. Are there more options in the Mansion? Leave a post with the info. Each one teach one. Let’s get all our residents connected!

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