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Regional Foundation awards SMCDC a Neighborhood Planning Grant


Philadelphia, PA – Today the Regional Foundation announced $2,000,000 in Neighborhood Planning and  Implementation Grants to 11 organizations throughout Pennsylvania, Delaware, and New Jersey. 

After several years, the foundation returned to investing in neighborhood revitalization that centers a resident-led  planning process. Structured between 12 and 18 months in length, Neighborhood Planning Grants support the creation  of neighborhood plans that address root causes of inequality and community development priorities including but not  limited to affordable housing, workforce development, human services, commercial corridor initiatives, environmental  justice, transportation, and education. 

The Neighborhood Implementation Grants support comprehensive community development plans that target specific  neighborhoods, are resident-driven, and equity-focused. The multi-year funding is designed to assist the foundation’s  grantee partners to start or sustain momentum in their comprehensive neighborhood revitalization initiatives.  

“The pressing needs of our community continue to exist and weigh down those who need it most from changing their  lives from one of despair to one of hope. We are excited that the investments we are announcing today are a small part  of creating the change needed to ensure individuals, families, and whole communities have the resiliency to continue  along a path of success,” stated Kevin Dow, Executive Director of the foundation.

Strawberry Mansion CDC (SMCDC), located in the Strawberry Mansion neighborhood of Philadelphia, will receive  $125,000 over 18 months to lead a neighborhood planning process centered on placement for cultural events,  affordable housing, and historic preservation. The process seeks to also answer questions related to needs for  strengthening the commercial corridor in the neighborhood, untangling land ownership issues, and how to best serve  the needs of its working-class residents. SMCDC will also receive $15,000 in general operating support.

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